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Are Computers Bringing Down The Stock Market?

Any time something bad happens, we’re always looking for a reason why. Some would say that we’re always looking for someone or something to blame but our motives may simply be to make sense of a situation that feels like it’s spiraling out of control. The world’s financial markets have definitely felt that way as of late.


There’s plenty of blame to go around. Some people blame the Obama Administration while others like CNBC’s Jim Cramer say that the European banks are in the midst of their own 2008 and that is causing financial contagion worldwide.

The blame doesn’t stop there. Others are coming back to the two financial whipping boys. Any time the stock market takes a big turn for the worse, two groups of people take the spotlight: Short sellers and high frequency traders.

We’ll leave the short sellers alone for now but let’s put the high frequency traders in the hot seat. Is it true that computers may be responsible for a stock market that has lost nearly 20% of its value? Could computers be taking your investment dollars?

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