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The Mafia Is Now “Italy’s Largest Bank” | ZeroHedge

The Mafia Is Now “Italy’s Largest Bank”

Whoever says there are no winners in the European banking crisis apparently has never woken up with a horse’s head in their bed. According to a new report by Italian anti-crime group SOS Impresa, as reported by Reuters, “Organised crime has tightened its grip on the Italian economy during the economic crisis, making the Mafia the country’s biggest “bank” and squeezing the life out of thousands of small firms, according to a report on Tuesday.” You mean kinda like Intesa credit cards demanding a 39.95% APR: we knew we had seen that “life squeezing” thing before somewhere. Of course at least with the mafia you know that it will never rely on fake Libor fixings to pretend it is alive, or need an ECB bailout the next day due to being overly invested in US subprime mortgages (unless of course Goldman’s rolodex stretches even further than we thought possible)..

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via The Mafia Is Now “Italy’s Largest Bank” | ZeroHedge.

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