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Your Reading, Watching, And Cooking Habits Will Start Showing Up On Facebook This Wednesday

Secretly enjoy a good cry to a romantic comedy?  Well , you’re about to know a lot more than you wanted to about the personal habits of your ‘friends’.. Think this could be a nice avenue for exposure for companies like Netflix?  Other than the benefit of name recognition, the intrusive nature will very possibly be a negative attribute..

In September, Facebook announced a variety of partners for its new Open Graph platform like Netflix, Nike+ Plus, Spotify, and others.

These Open Graph apps will pop updates into your live News Ticker like “Ellis Hamburger ran 2.8 miles using Nike+” or “Ellis just watched Mad Men on Netflix.”

In effect, Facebook wants everything you do to be broadcasted on Facebook.

via Your Reading, Watching, And Cooking Habits Will Start Showing Up On Facebook This Wednesday.

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