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Your New Printer Will Be A Game Changer, If It’s From 3D Systems

Can’t think of why you would need a 3D printer?  Then you’re not thinking hard enough.  3D systems (DDD)  launches their home version later this month, and then you’ll see just how limitless the possibilities are.  Just think of the time it takes to prototype a product.  Now cut that time down to a fraction of what it was and apply it to almost every industry across the board that produces products.  Cap it off by opening the door to prototyping to anyone who has one of these printers in their home.


Check out the video of the home version in action here


Now that, is a recipe for a new future.  Take a look: Personal 3D Printers |
With shares up almost 5% so far today,  and 10% in the past week, I’d look for a dip before buying.  That is if there is one..

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