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The world is coming to an end but we can share it on Facebook?

Reasons why Facebook marks some kind of weird market top.

1.Round the clock coverage on CNBC and Bloomberg about the Facebook IPO and how much money everyone is making.

2.The largest tech (maybe any IPO) in history.

3. People you know that you didn’t know ever bought a stock, asking if you could get them some Facebook stock.

4.Savy insiders selling enormous stakes.  Who cares if Goldman keeps half. At the valuation they’re getting the 50% remaining is all a free toss of the dice.

5. Billion dollar side deals for companies with no revenue to speak of.

6. The fact that Marc Zuckerberg consulted Warren Buffett on business and Buffett declined all investment opportunities. Does anyone honestly believe Warren couldn’t have gotten in the first round of anything he wanted, especially Facebook?

7. Let’s see, the whole financial world is coming unglued, 30 yr. and 10 yr. treasury bonds are hitting all time high prices and yet people are willing to give up $15-30 billion dollars to get a piece of Facebook. I’m sorry, it’s hard to have it both ways.  The world is coming to an end but we can share it on Facebook?

8. Time Magazine Person of the Year, bank on it. That’s always the top.  Remember these are the same folks that picked Adolph Hitler as Person of the Year in 1936. Not to compare anything (Facebook’s a great company) but the unfortunate sense of timing.

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