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Insider Buying Always Calls the Stock Market Bottom

The stock market is about people with conviction taking money when most lack conviction.

Insiders show conviction and the following charts, courtesy of the Washington Group ,prove that they know the bottom.

Note how every significant drop in the market during the last 30 years only ended after insiders stepped up and bought with conviction.

Ratio of Buying to Selling vs S&P 500 2011-2018

Ratio of Bying to Selling vs S&P 500 2004 – 2010
Ratio of Buying to Selling vs S&P 500 1997-2003
Ratio of Buying to Selling vs S&P 500 1988-1996

Ask yourself, who do you have conviction in, the indices or the insiders?

Contact Mike Ross for the remaining 30 years of charts at

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