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1st Quarter 2021 Partner Letter

The Insiders Fund 1st quarter 2021 Partner letter is available to interested parties on our website at . It was a fun quarter, a great time to be invested.  The Insiders Fund was up 0.80% for March 2021 while the S&P 500 returned 4.26%. The Insiders Fund was up 28.41% for the 1st quarter versus 6.17% for the benchmark. For the trailing 12 months, we returned 136.97% ( after all fees and expenses) versus the S&P 500 up 56.35% (includes dividends).

If you’ve been on the fence contemplating investing in The Insiders Fund, the letter gives you an intimate look at our strategy and thought process.  Also, keep in mind that it’s for qualified investors only and is not designed to be a trading vehicle.  Although we have no lockups it is required to give a 30-day notice to withdraw all or part of your money.  The window for new investing rapidly approaches.  New investments must be completed before April 30th to be accepted for May investment.

It’s no secret that the best information is insider information. The reality though is some insiders are much better at investing than others.  Some insider information is not valuable at all. In fact, it could even be disinformation. That’s one reason why we write the blog and The Insiders Report, a membership-only special report complete with personal coaching.   The Insider Report is free to partners of the fund and 50% off to all our investors in our Alpha Wealth family.

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