Insider Buying Week 8-04-23 Hydrocarbons Make the Modern World Modern

Oil and gas have been the best-performing sector in the market for the last couple of weeks. There is much talk about an oil surplus, and economic weakness in China, the world's largest petroleum…

Insider Buying Week 11-11-22 Inflation is Dead- The War is Over- The Dems hold the Line

This week's Insider Report marks the end of an experiment with a paid subscription service. From here on out the Insiders Report is free and I am relieved of my weekend chores. I'll still continue to…

Insider Buying week 02-18-22 Ukraine is thrown under the Bus

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll the significant buys of the last year. The war is on. Biden made that clear Friday after the close. What he made equally clear is…