Insider Buying Week 05-10-24 The Earnings Blackout Curtain is Lifting

The blog is a work in progress, like a public journal/filing system. Most of the quarterly earnings are behind us, and it is heartening to see that insider buying has picked up a little. Could there…

Insider Buying Week 03-08-24 FOMO or FEAR?

I've been struggling to explain the speculative frenzy I sense in the markets. Stocks routinely go up and down 20% on earnings or even something as trivial as an analyst upgrade or downgrade yet the…

Insider Buying Week 6-16-23

Stock markets don't go up every day, or do they? Friday might have been the crack in the armor as the generals sold off a bit. It's hard to imagine what will bring the market down in the near term…

Insider Buying Week 5-12-23 Prelude to Something but What?

Insiders are coming out in force to buy regional and community banks.  Normally significant insider buys are met with a predictable market response, a positive bounce between 3%-5%. This is not…

Insider Buying Week 11-11-22 Inflation is Dead- The War is Over- The Dems hold the Line

This week's Insider Report marks the end of an experiment with a paid subscription service. From here on out the Insiders Report is free and I am relieved of my weekend chores. I'll still continue to…

Insider Buying Week 3-11-22

Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys?  Scroll the significant buys of the last year. And what to do about the Russian Ukraine war. It will get worse and it will drag China into an…