Monti lashes out at Germany ahead of summit -

Monti lashes out at Germany ahead of summit By Guy Dinmore and Giulia Segreti in Rome and Peter Spiegel in Brussels ©Reuters Mario Monti has set the stage for a tough fight with Germany at the EU…

Spain IS Greece After All: Here Are The Main Outstanding Items Following The Spanish Bailout | ZeroHedge

Spain IS Greece After All: Here Are The Main Outstanding Items Following The Spanish Bailout Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2012 14:52 -0400 Bank Run Bond Bridgewater CDS Creditors European…

Soros says Europe has three months to avoid catastrophe

I don't pretend to know what's going to happen but I've said many times, the world would be much better off without the euro.  For reasons beyond my comprehension, the Europeans seem hell bent on…

Immediate Solution To Debt Crisis Found: Italian police seize $6 trillion of fake U.S. bonds

What started off as a harmless Mafia loan-sharking investigation turned into a rather profitable seizure of $6 trillion worth of forged US Treasury bonds on Friday.  Oddly enough, no rally in the…

The Mafia Is Now "Italy's Largest Bank" | ZeroHedge

The Mafia Is Now "Italy's Largest Bank" Whoever says there are no winners in the European banking crisis apparently has never woken up with a horse's head in their bed. According to a new report by…

The Week in Resignations.. And It's Only Wednesday: Urban Outfitters, WebMD, The White House, Swiss National Bank, and Italy

Out of the markets and into the midst of  both earnings and elections seasons, volatility seems here to stay.  Here's a quick recap of the most recent turnovers in the headlines the past few days,…

Berlusconi under pressure as markets lose patience

(Reuters) - Bond markets may be succeeding where political opponents have failed, pushing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi closer to the exit and opening up fresh uncertainties as Italystruggles to…

Italy's Burgeoning Debt Crisis Hits Markets Around the Globe -

Once again, it's the PIIGS. For the past year, the focus on eurozone's debt crisis has been on the PIGS -- Portugal, Ireland and especially Greece, plus Spain. But the crash in Italy's bonds has put…