Bull Markets Are Everywhere. Here's One In Sand

US Silica went public at the beginning of February.  And the first direct play on sand has been on a tear ever since. Up around 24%, SLCAs appreciation has been due to the rising demand for sand in…

Why Are Oil Markets So Short Sighted?

Other than the occasional headline, the Iran embargo is a distant memory.  And oil markets seemed to forget that an increasing oil reserve is a direct result of preparing for such an embargo.  Just…

CHART OF THE DAY: How To Protect Your Money In A War With Iran, And An Oil Spike

CHART OF THE DAY: How To Protect Your Money In A War With Iran, And An Oil Spike  by Joe Weisenthal One of the big fears for the market is obviously an oil spike, possibly caused by a war with…

Supposed Pipeline Explosion Drives Oil Above $110 A Barrel, Reported False After Market Close

If a falsified report that a Saudi pipeline can drive oil over $110 a barrel, just imagine the repercussions of a full Iran-Israel conflict.  According to the report that was later confirmed…

IAEA Gets Nowhere With Iran Nuclear Talks

While Iran's willingness to reopen talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency about their nuclear program was a surprise, it seems that the motion was mostly for show.    Several rounds of…

Drill baby drill will be the U.S. national anthem

If oil is cut off from Iran, it could also impede supply in Iraq as Iran will use it's influence to cause chaos wherever they can.  There is significant potential for an Israeli strike against Iran…

Saudi Arabia Will Not Let Oil Go Above $100

According to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud, the billionaire head of Kingdom Holding Co., Saudi Arabia is poised to limit the appreciation of oil to no greater than $100 a barrel. "We can…

With Iran Offline, Oil Could Jump 30%

Despite our massive emergency oil reserves (see here), the IMF estimates a halt in Iran crude could produce a rather dramatic effect in the price of oil: "If Iran halts exports to countries without…

What Does a Third Carrier Battle Group in the Gulf Mean?

Having already recently warned the US (Jan 3), Iran is certainly not going to appreciate the addition of a third Carrier Battle Group around the Strait of Hormuz which was announced yesterday on…

Like Herding Cats? Try Trading Oil

Today's rampant fluctuation in oil was a perfect example of how much political and headline risk from Iran surround the markets.  While nothing fundamental has changed from our initial assessment of…