Insider Buying Week 5-19-23 If you want to play a game of chicken- Tyson Insiders are Buying

No one really believes the U.S. will default on the debt.  The least of which are these insiders stepping up to buy their company's stock last week.  If we're talking a game of chicken, I say…

Quiet Insider Buying Shortened Week May 29th 2020

Jazz Pharmaceutical Director Seamus Mulligan bought 50,000 shares at $111.08. Before investors pile in behind that enforcement, it's worth considering Mulligan bought 50,000 shares back in 11/15/18…

Mercury General Auto Insurer Chairman Puts the Petal to the Metal

 Mercury General Chairman George Joseph buys $9.2 Million more of this California property and casualty insurer.  MCY  with a current 6.4% dividend yield and a 34 year history of consecutive…

Notable Insider Buys and Sales Week Ending 1-4-19 No One is Buying Yet!

  I wrote in last week's blog post, that "The next month will tell everything.  Every meaningful rout in the market has ended when a crescendo of insider buying has restored confidence and…

Notable Insider Buys and Sales Week Ending 12-21-18

The next month will tell everything.  Every meaningful rout in the market has ended when a crescendo of insider buying has restored confidence and validated values.  We are not there yet but the…