Insider Buying Week 05-10-24 The Earnings Blackout Curtain is Lifting

The blog is a work in progress, like a public journal/filing system. Most of the quarterly earnings are behind us, and it is heartening to see that insider buying has picked up a little. Could there…

Insider Purchases Last Week. Nvidia Ignites Massive CAPEX Expansion

Something significant is happening when staid Dell Technologies is up 31% on its latest quarterly earnings. A giant uptick in capex spending is underway, and it is directly attributable to the…

The Beauty Health Co

Insider Buying -Interest rates may have peaked but the damage to earnings is just beginning

Market gains are muted, and traders are quick to snatch profits.  Rallies are reversed almost daily as market direction is indecisive.  By many measures, bargains in the stock market are hard to come…

Insider Buying Week 3-11-22

Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys?  Scroll the significant buys of the last year. And what to do about the Russian Ukraine war. It will get worse and it will drag China into an…