Most Americans are too distracted to recognize that the New Global Order (the Order) has emerged. It is safe to say that the USA will most likely continue to be a main player in the Order.

But, right alongside it will be China, Russia, India, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and Brazil. It is now unclear if the EU with Germany carrying the whole weight, will be able to play. Alone, Germany would be a Key player IMO.

Washington, no matter what it does will not be able to stop this transformation. US politicians, however, will continue to bluster that the United States still stands taller than all of the rest, now and forever but their blind boasting will no effect on this geopolitical movement.

What will happen thought is that the US with is penchant for viewing itself a the only World Super Power American and its determination to police the World and spread its brand of Democracy will actually hasten the process, as relative decline will morph into absolute decline into the sinkhole of insurmountable debt and the squandering of its human and political resources..

The leadership in the United States has a choice, thought I do not and have not seen it in action, and that is to work to insure that the emerging World turns out to be stable, and relatively friendly to the well-being of the American people.

This shapes up to be a Big Q, since over the last 100 yrs+ the USA’s political managers have gone out of their way make the World unhappy with its brand of World leadership aka domination.

A little more than 100 yrs ago mis-management by the last New World Order produced a 2 World Wars, and the Great Depression.

This time around the nations have emerged for “ashes” that are demonstrating that they can Best the US without “drawing their swords.”

Americans enjoy living in the “Scrapbook” of past achievements, and that POV does not benefit the nation which has its competitors living and breathing for the moments of weakness, and for anyone to style Barack Obama the “most powerful man in the World” sophomoric and absurd. Sure it sounds Strong but he has very little authority in the affairs of the nation, the World has seen it first hand over the last 900 odd days (2.5 yrs) and especially since May when he failed to convince the Congress and the US citizens of his leadership. Stay tuned…

Paul A. Ebeling, Jnr.





Paul A. Ebeling, Jnr. writes and publishes The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report on the US Major Market Indices, a weekly, highly-regarded financial market letter, read by opinion makers, business leaders and organizations around the world.