Iran Says It Will Give Back The Downed US Sentinel Drone — As A Toy Model

Is Iran’s display of a sense of  humor a break in the tension between the two Nations or an attempt to belittle the American military in the eyes of Iranian citizens?  I think the $4 price tag suggests the latter..

Iran To Give Back Drone As A Toy

After losing the RQ-170 drone in the skies over Iran in November, the White House first admitted the drone was real, and then further outraged the Iranians by asking for it back.

With a burst of Irony, Tehran has agreed to comply, but instead of returning the original drone, it will scale “The Beast of Kandahar” down into a children’s toy and send one to President Obama.

The Associated Press reports that the model will be one eightieth the size of the original drone and sold to the Iranian public for about $4 (via Arab News).

via Iran To Give Back Drone As A Toy.