I have to weigh my two cents in on the iPad mini.  This is probably the most innovative product I’ve seen from Apple in a long time. Innovative in the sense that how could you possibly place another IOS device in their product line without major cannibalization.  The mini is delicious.  To hold one is to want one.  It’s every bit an iPad and more.   Heavenly light, easy to read in bed and beautiful to behold.  I want one immediately.  Unfortunately they are sold out around the country.

Could Apple have priced it any better?  Absolutely not, if you are an Apple shareholder rather than fan boy.  It’s expensive compared to the Kindle.  People are complaining they should have priced it closer to Amazon’s Kindle Fire at $199   but the Kindle is a mere toy, a poor and unseemly second cousin to the awesome iPad.

But that alone is not to say it’s priced right.  If Apple wanted to rip the heart out of Kindle Fire, it could have priced it at $199 but then they would be dragging their own customers down the down staircase that Amazon is on.   The iPad Mini is priced expensive enough that it won’t drag much sales down from the full size iPad.  It’s so close to the iPad in price that if the screen is too small or dull a resolution for you, you wont’ think twice about moving up the line to it’s big brother, the iPad.

The say form and function is the essence of art.  Add price to the model and you’ve got the Apple way.  Function, form, and price is the mantra at Apple.  Kudus to Apple and Tim Cook.  They pulled off the impossible, an incredibly seductive product at a price that will add to the bottom line.  I just hope they can make enough of them because they are going to sell all they can make.  I’m two weeks out and waiting for mine.