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Selecting The Next Federal Reserve Chair: When And How | Zero Hedge

Since now the drama of who Obama will select for the the Fed Reserve head is over, what’s next? I found this good and telling article on Zero Hedge.

Selecting The Next Federal Reserve Chair:

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/23/2013 13:28 -0400Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke Bill Dudley Bond Federal Reserve Goldman Sachs goldman sachs Institutional Investors Intrade Janet Yellen Larry Summers Monetary Policy Nomination Paul Volcker Tim Geithner Volatility Wall Street Journal White HouseinShare Federal Reserve Chairman Bernankes term expires January 31, 2014. While his continuation as Fed chair cannot be ruled out, he has given no public indications that he plans to seek another term and most market participants – as well as many members of Congress in last weeks Humphrey-Hawkins hearings – seem to believe he will retire from public service early next year. As Goldman notes, the announcement of the next Chair of the Federal Reserve seems most likely to come in October, though nominations for Fed Chair have been announced as early as five months before the current term expires and as late as less than a month before expiration. There does not appear to be much risk to the Senates ultimate confirmation of whomever the President chooses, though the Fed nominations have become more politically controversial over the last few years,

via Selecting The Next Federal Reserve Chair: When And How | Zero Hedge.

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