This is interesting as the bullish cheerleaders for FaceBook have been touting how WhatsApp  has 99.9% uptime and handles more messages than the entire global telecom community combined.    Somehow that justifies the insane price ($19 billion) paid for a company with $20 million in revenues . It seems according to this article, blackouts at WhatsApp are not uncommon.  Then there is the excuse it could  have been overwhelmed by the Facebook acquisition  That’s odd too,one of the main reasons FaceBook gave to investors that this company was adding 1 million accounts per day.  Why then would they be overwhelmed by media attention for an ephemeral event that has already climaxed.  Another sign of a bubble is that facts are ignored readily to help the suspension of ordinary financial metrics.


WhatsApp is experiencing a service outage just three days after Facebook announced plans to acquire the messaging company for as much as $19 billion, according to the company’s Twitter account as well as those of numerous users.The Twitter message suggests the outage has been underway for at least an hour two hours. We’ve reached out to the company to ask about its full duration, dimension and cause, and will update this post if we hear back.

via WhatsDown: WhatsApp Suffers Extended Outage | Re/code.