Portfolio holdings 2-18-17

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With $15 Left in the Bank, a Baby Boomer Makes Peace With Less - WSJ

As a result, many senior citizens will either have to work longer, move to less expensive places or pare back their spending—choices that economists say are likely to put a drag on the U.S. economy.…

In 77 Chaotic Minutes, Trump Defends ‘Fine-Tuned Machine’ - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump, smarting from a series of crises, moved his surrogates aside on Thursday and assigned the rescue of his month-old presidency to the only spokesman he’s ever really…

Trump hits it out of the Park Full Transcript and Video: Trump News Conference - The New York Times

President Trump announced a new nominee for labor secretary and answered questions from reporters at the White House on Thursday. Source: Full Transcript and Video: Trump News Conference - The New…

Investors still aren’t taking ‘Frexit’ seriously enough - MarketWatch

May. Source: Investors still aren’t taking ‘Frexit’ seriously enough - MarketWatch

Foreign passports offer little protection for China’s elite

There are tens of thousands of Chinese obtaining foreign citizenship every year,” said Denny Ko, an immigration lawyer in Hong Kong who advises rich Chinese clients, adding that Mr Xi’s crackdown has…

$LVS Drain the swamp? With what? Bigger alligators?

“I would like you to uphold the ‘One China’ policy,” Mr. Xi said to Mr. Trump in a scripted exchange.“At your request, I will do that,” Mr. Trump had just come from dinner with Republican donor…

Portfolio holdings 2-10-17

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Portfolio holdings 2-3-17

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Donald Trump Plans to Undo Dodd-Frank Law, Fiduciary Rule - WSJ

President Donald Trump on Friday plans to sign an executive action to scale back the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul law, in a sweeping plan to dismantle much of the regulatory system put in place…