Let me check my math Facebook versus Apple $FB vs $APPL

Facebook $FB reported a blow out quarter yesterday, earning $1.56 billion.  The stock popped $13.34 or based on its 2.8 billion shares outstanding that's a whopping $37.35 billion increase in market…

Thoughts on Apple quarter

Apple reported an impressive quarter yet the stock sold off sharply after hours.  Fortunately we had lowered our position in the name a little before earnings came out as we were a little too…

Some intelligent Apple comments

Just what the world needs, some more comments on Apple?  Since it's our largest position or near largest position and I have a blog, well, I can't resist. 1. The new iPhone 6 and + is boss.  Everyone…

Apple- a force for good

Apple unveiled without much fun fare the slickest new computers in eons.  Combining blistering state of the art performance with a sense of design not seen in years, this new workstation computer is…

When can you buy blue chip dividend paying stocks again?

The last couple of days have not been a sweet ride for the blue chips.  I think this quote from JP Morgan's chief equity strategist sums up the "big money" view.  I don't agree with it but you would…

The Week Ahead March 4th

One of the things we talk about in the Investment Survival Workshop is developing the mindset to think ahead.   When I first moved out to Park City, Utah from Atlanta, Georgia I was admittedly a bit…

Rare Apple technical set up

Apple is now showing bullish divergence on both weekly and daily RSI charts.  Note that the weekly RSI diviergence has been rare and even more importanly rarely wrong.  What does that mean?  After…

Apple probably a fist pounding heart thumping buy right now at $575

I have to weigh my two cents in on the iPad mini.  This is probably the most innovative product I've seen from Apple in a long time. Innovative in the sense that how could you possibly place another…

Looking ahead September 12th could be pivotal day for two reasons

One thing we talk about in our Investment Survival Workshops is learning to develop a horizon further out than tomorrow.  I know that sounds obvious but it's harder to do than you think.  Most people…