Some intelligent Apple comments

Just what the world needs, some more comments on Apple?  Since it's our largest position or near largest position and I have a blog, well, I can't resist. 1. The new iPhone 6 and + is boss.  Everyone…

Apple- a force for good

Apple unveiled without much fun fare the slickest new computers in eons.  Combining blistering state of the art performance with a sense of design not seen in years, this new workstation computer is…

Thoughts on the Apple pain trade

I don't see the point in taking a needless loss.  They should have made a larger size screen phone and I assume they will.  When Google starts making a computer you really want to own then I'll get…

Apple probably a fist pounding heart thumping buy right now at $575

I have to weigh my two cents in on the iPad mini.  This is probably the most innovative product I've seen from Apple in a long time. Innovative in the sense that how could you possibly place another…

Thoughts on Apple vs. Samsung trial

I doubt if the two companies will settle and my guess is that it goes to the jury next week.  If someone blinks, it will be Samsung.  After all the trial is in Apple's backyard and you know the last…

Facebook IPO Seen Deepening Investor Distrust of Stocks - Bloomberg

Facebook IPO Seen Deepening Investor Distrust Of Stocks By Elizabeth Ody and Margaret Collins - May 25, 2012 10:01 PM MT Facebook Inc. (FB)’s initial public offering, plagued by trading errors and a…

Buybacks And A Dividend The Answer For Apple

Looks like Apple finally has a solution for the pile of cash they have amassed.  According to SFGate, shareholders should expect a dividend of $2.65 and a significant buyback of stock that would…

China Dethrones iPhone, Samsung Sales Surge

Apple's market cap may rule the S&P, but it's a different story in China.  The tech giant is struggling to efficiently capture a leading share of the country's massive market, while Samsung is…