Not Much in the Way of Insider Buys Week 10-9-20 but Kyle Bass files on $SBE

LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC up 43.2% AMAZON COM INC up 2.92% Medtronic plc up There wasn't much happening in new insider buys but when CEO Angrick bought 94,567 shares of Liquidity Services at $7.57, it…

What were insiders buying during this historic market sell-off?

This was a week like none other- well, that's not quite correct, a week like only 4 others in terms of market losses since 1945.  The Coronavirus put the stock market into intensive care. It remains…

Stock Market gets Clobbered- Insiders are Nibbling

Insider Buying Week Ending May 31, 2019 Jay Hoag of Zillow Goes All In Trump rocks market with trade wars on multiple fronts.  Impromptu tweet on Friday about tariffs on Mexico linked to immigration…

Update on where the insiders are buying now $ABT,$MDT,$EW,$AGN

It was  a week ago that we blogged about 4 medical stocks that insiders were buying that looked particularly  appealing to us.  We were heavily invested in these names with our largest position in…

Blue Chip Is The New Alpha - Seeking Alpha

We loved this provocative article from Seeking Alpha, especially the quote from Alexander Graham Bell.  We may be biased though as we are also long JPM,K,MSFT, INTC, MCD, PG and BP and the author,…