The last week has been the second wildest week of trading I have seen in my long career.  One picture tells the story- look at this the VIX, the CBOE VIX Futures Underlying.  It didn’t matter what you were  today.  Stocks, bonds, commodities, gold, it all  went up and down wildly.  The Dow stretched me like a torture victim on a rack and pinion between 640 points. It opened up sharply sold down, then back up again, plunged when the Fed announcement came out, then rallied straight-line into the close. Whew what a day!   I made a ton of good trades and still underperformed the day.  It just goes to show you that when it moves, you can’t get in fast enough.  I’m a professional trader with fiber connections and macro keys.  This is just terrible.  I can’t imagine the general public has any appetite at all for stocks.  Me, I can’t wait for tomorrow!